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Spotter Aux Bouldering Pad



My vote: None ( 5 avg )


Slips between most closed pads no problem. Thick upholstery top for wiping off your shoes at the boulder problem. Great protection for nearby rock and obstacles. Mat dubs as a pack. Holds shoes, chalk bag, water, snacks etc.

Retail price

US$ 37.00

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Weight (lbs / kg)

Weight (lbs / kg)

In pounds and kilograms, the weight, as stated by the manufacturer/brand.

3.50 lbs / 1.59 kg
Fold Type Taco
Number of Foam Layers one
Foam Layout ­
Fabric ­
Features Side Handle(s)
USA Made
Dimensions (ft / m)

Dimensions (ft / m)

In feet and inches / meters and centimeters, the length, width, and height of the bouldering pad, as stated by the manufacturer/brand

2.92 ft x 1.92 ft x 1.00 in
0.89 m x 0.58 m x 2.50 cm

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